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Many of the unguarded refuges hold a lot of history, dating back to Franco’s early days and a plan to reforest the Sierra Nevada. There are actually many more refuges hidden away, but many of these are uninhabitable or in complete ruin.

The refuges below are listed in the order that they appear in this guide. For grid references and additional details, see ssss1.

Refugio Horcajo (Route 3)

Situated at 2220m, 3hr from Trevélez above the Río Trevélez junction with the Río Juntillas and Río Puerto de Jérez. Sleeps 8 on concrete floors. The refuge is in a reasonable state, with water available close by from Barranco del Sabinar.

Refugio Vivac La Caldera (Routes 6, 7, 8, 23, 31, 35, 36)

Located at 3100m just east of Laguna de la Caldera, west of Mulhacén, this refuge is useful for access to Mulhacén, Alcazaba and Puntal de la Caldera. Sleeps 16. It’s in a good state with wooden boards for sleeping on. Water can be accessed at the lake of the same name just west of the refuge.

Refugio Forestal Loma Pela (also known as Refugio Villavientos)
