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47 Gravlee, C.C., Maxwell, C.R., Jacobsohn, A., and Bernard, H.R. (2018). Mode effects in cultural domain analysis: Comparing pile sort data collected via internet versus face-to-face interviews. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21 (2): 165–176.

48 Gross, D.R. (1984). Time allocation: A tool for the study of cultural behavior. Annual Review of Anthropology 13 (1): 519–558.

49 Gross, J. (2020). Reflections on ethnographic fieldwork across a lifetime. Ethnography. 146613812098335.

50 Guest, G. (2015). Sampling and selecting participants in field research. In: Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology, 2e (ed. H.R. Bernard and C.C. Gravlee), 215–250. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

51 Guest, G., Bunce, A., and Johnson, L. (2006). How many interviews are enough?: An experiment with data saturation and variability. Field Methods 18 (1): 59–82.

52 Guest, G., Namey, E., and McKenna, K. (2017). How many focus groups are enough? Building an evidence base for nonprobability sample sizes. Field Methods 29 (1): 3–22.
