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Empty Hand

Kenei Mabuni

In cooperation with Masahiko Yokoyama

Empty Hand

The Essence of Budō-Karate

Edited by Carlos Molina

Translated from Japanese

by B. Winter


As to the notation of the Japanese personal names: On the cover and the title sheet the name of the author has been written according to the conventions of the English-speaking countries, i.e. in the order first name, last name. In the text of the book the usual notation of Japanese names is used, i.e. the last name followed by the first name.

The publisher would like to thank Jörg Seidel, Chemnitz, for proofreading the English edition. Furthermore he thanks Patrick McCarthy, Brisbane (Australia) for putting the photograph of Itosu Ankō at his disposal.

First English Edition

1 st ed. May 2009

Original title:

武道空手への招待(»Invitation to Budō-Karate«)

© 2001 by Sanko-sha Ltd.

Translation from Japanese by B. Winter

© 2009 by Palisander Verlag, Chemnitz

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher.
