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To confuse the situation, however, there are some footpaths you may ride on. These are typically in urban areas, where many footpaths have become shared pedestrian/cycle path routes (and should be marked with a blue bicycle symbol, sometimes with and sometimes without a pedestrian symbol).

For some other paths the rights are either unclear, lost in time, or (again, particularly in urban areas) in the process of change. They might be commonly used by cycles without landowner opposition, or (occasionally) with landowner encouragement. You should always approach such areas with caution, and if challenged be prepared to dismount or deviate.

Cycle path etiquette

This is particularly important when the route is busy and shared with pedestrians.

 It’s fine to go fast if the way is clear, but always slow down to a gentle pace when nearing and passing pedestrians or slower cyclists, or on narrow sections of route.

 Sound your bell as you get close to pedestrians and slower cyclists if you wish to pass them, as this is easiest for other path users to comprehend on a busier route.
