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Badacsony, Balaton Uplands, Walk 23

Clothing and Accessories

No special clothing or equipment is required to walk in Hungary. Veterans with hard feet will find that a sturdy pair of training shoes will suffice in summer and autumn, although light leather walking boots or at the very least fabric boots are recommended. During prolonged wet spells wear boots, as the trails can get very muddy, and in winter snow lies deep and gaiters are useful. In summer wear light cotton clothing and a sun hat with an ample brim to protect the neck, and if fair-skinned apply sun block. Whatever the season take a waterproof jacket. Shorts are ideal in summer but be aware of ticks (see Health). In winter wear layers and a warm hat. Take a torch for emergency night navigation. On long walks in summer carry about two litres of water per person if there are no resupply points along the way. In villages summer dress is casual; shorts and T-shirt are perfectly acceptable but be sensitive if visiting a place of worship.
