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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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Thusly armed, Davis began to fire at the stricken Officer Alleyn, whose prone body was exposed at the right rear of the Polara. Witnesses would later recount (and blood evidence would confirm), that Davis maneuvered along the entire front of the Pontiac, firing from various positions, and that he rested his left elbow on the hood to brace his right hand, which held the revolver. (ssss1)


A Heroic Attempt

Earlier, as Officers Pence and Alleyn raced down the northbound off-ramp and turned westbound onto Henry Mayo Drive, they passed a car on their right waiting at the westbound Henry Mayo Stop sign. The car contained a single citizen by the name of Gary Dean Kness, who was on his way to work the night shift as a computer operator at Hydraulic Research and Manufacturing Corporation, in the nearby Rye Canyon industrial park.

After Unit 78-12 sped past with amber deck lights flashing, Mr. Kness continued ahead on Henry Mayo Drive, turned right on The Old Road, and followed the vehicle towards the Standard Station. As he approached, it occurred to him that the lights of the gas station were usually off at this time of evening, but tonight they were on for some reason. As he got closer, he saw a pair of CHP cruisers in the parking lot and flashes of gunfire from Officers Pence and Alleyn at the rear of Units 78-12 and 78-8. His first thought was that a movie was being filmed on location, but as he neared the scene and saw Officer Alleyn go down, he realized it was a real gunfight and thought to himself, “Somebody has got to do something.”30
