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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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The former Marine stopped his car along The Old Road, bailed out, and ran about 70 yards to assist Officer Alleyn. His first thought was that he had to get the officer back behind cover, because he was lying in an exposed position at the right rear of the Dodge and the gunman ahead was still firing at him. (Refer again to ssss1 and ssss1.)

Upon reaching Officer Alleyn, Mr. Kness grabbed him by the gunbelt and attempted to pull him to cover, but he found he could not move him. As Mr. Kness attempted to rescue Officer Alleyn, Davis stepped around the right front of the Pontiac and began to advance on the pair. (ssss1)

Seeing the CHP shotgun on the ground at Officer Alleyn’s feet, Mr. Kness grabbed the weapon, aimed it around the right rear fender of the CHP car (resting his left hand on the fender) at the advancing Davis, and pulled the trigger on an empty chamber. He immediately racked the slide of the shotgun and pulled the trigger again on an empty chamber.31

At the sight of Mr. Kness aiming the shotgun at him, Davis abandoned his advance and immediately retreated back to the front of the Pontiac. However, once it became apparent that the shotgun was empty, Davis began another advance on Mr. Kness and Officer Alleyn, continuing to fire the .38-caliber revolver he had taken from Officer Frago. (Refer again to ssss1.)
