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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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When he saw Davis retreat, Mr. Kness ditched the useless shotgun and resumed his work of trying to pull Officer Alleyn to cover behind the vehicle. However, when he saw Davis again step out from the right front of the Pontiac to initiate a new charge on his position, Mr. Kness found and picked up Officer Alleyn’s blood-soaked revolver. He obtained a two-handed grip (a “combat grip” in his description), cocked the weapon, braced his elbows on the trunk of the patrol car, and fired a single round at Davis, who had already fired five of the six Super-Vel .38 Special rounds in Officer Frago’s revolver at Officer Alleyn and Mr. Kness by this point. (ssss1)32

Mister Kness would later report that the impact of the fired shot spun Davis around, but there was no significant wound from the shot.33 Davis was later found to have two copper-jacketed fragments imbedded in the upper middle portion of his chest, so it is presumed that the bullet struck the Pontiac first and broke into pieces before it struck Davis. The fragments, depleted of most of their energy and mass, failed to significantly wound him, but it was enough to cause Davis to break off the attack a second time.34 Davis disengaged and headed around the front of the Pontiac to enter the vehicle via the driver’s side door. (ssss1)
