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Facilities at a rifugio are a little more spartan. These marvellously situated high-altitude huts owned by the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) are, more often then not, open to all walkers and mountaineers, whether members (who enjoy discounted rates) or not. They are only accessible on foot and are manned through the summer. Dormitories are again the rule, though bathrooms may be outdoors. If there’s no hot shower (doccia calda), there’s always a (cold) water tap and wash basin. Toilets range from hygienic if awkward ‘hole-in-the-floor’ WCs referred to as gabinetti alla turca (Turkish toilets), to the more usual sit-down types.

Half-board tends to be the rule everywhere; it makes life easier for the establishment and is generally a great deal for customers. Mezza pensione entails bed, a hot shower (occasionally charged extra), breakfast and dinner – pretty reasonable at around 30 Euros. Generally speaking continental-style breakfast (colazione) consists of a choice of caffè latte, tè or cioccolato caldo (hot chocolate) with bread, butter and jam (pane, burro, marmellata). Dinner (cena) on the other hand is a three- or four-course affair – a pasta dish or soup followed by meat and vegetables, dessert and/or cheese. As a rule drinks are billed separately. Many places will prepare packed lunches if given sufficient advance warning – ask for a pranzo al sacco or a simple panino con formaggio/prosciutto (roll with cheese/ham).
