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(5) Bear left here (yellow cross on tree right) and a few metres later bear left again at another intersection. The wooded area is scattered with rocks. Where the path turns a corner you get your first view of the rocky outcrop of the Esparon, which looks unusual as it appears to be a pile of jumbled boulders with trees on the top – and looks tricky to get to the top of!

Follow the yellow splashes along the path which initially goes through stone walls and then, after veering left, climbs steeply upwards – there is a short rocky scramble over some boulders and you arrive at a flat spur (1hr 5mins). From here you can see the valley coming in from the right and opening out as the Coudoulous river (not visible) comes down from the north to join the waters of the Arre. The scattered buildings are the outskirts of Le Vigan – all around are rolling hills covered with forest.

(6) Bear right on a defined path which goes underneath a big rock and round the bottom of the Esparon hump where there are some stately cedar trees – there are lots of yellow crosses telling you not to go to the left and attempt to climb it, though it is surely possible. At a fork go right down the side of the hill. You can see a big farm down on the right and, shortly after, the village itself on the left as the path meets the narrow road going into the hamlet (1hr 15mins).
