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(2) The yellow splashes direct you down out of the village, and after about 270m, where there is a small iron cross and a post with‘PR.20 (3)’on it, go up to the right (10mins).

This is a wide stony track along the top of old terraces with a wall on the right, which goes gently upwards. There are cherry trees (delicious to eat if you do the walk in early June) and some old olive trees; otherwise it is an open path, so there are sweeping views into the valley below and later on you can see the outskirts of Le Vigan.

(3) The path bears up to the right initially between stone walls (15mins) and then continues climbing steadily along the top of former terraces. It narrows and becomes stonier as it enters scattered oak woods, continuing along the side of the hill, and eventually flattens off. It goes through a wooden barrier and starts gently climbing again.

(4) Where there is a yellow cross on the path ahead and a low barrier of stones, bear up to the right by a wooden post, PR20(4) – (the straight path does in fact go directly to the village of Esparon but has been closed because of rock falls). The path is narrow and climbs up quite steeply. Follow the yellow splashes carefully. Bear left at the top by a wall and go over a smart new stile to reach a wider track.
