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(10) You reach the top of a rocky shoulder where the path bears round to the right by a wooden PR post (2hrs) – there are magnificent views of the surrounding hills and you can see the valley of the Arre river over on the left. The path leads down the front of the mountain and suddenly reaches a mas (huddle of houses) called les Caumels on the IGN map (2hrs 5mins) – it consists of one big ruin and an unusually tall renovated house. It is quite a shock to cross mown grass, dotted with cherry trees, and you feel an intruder as you walk between the house and the large ruin.

Bridge over the river Arre

(11) Bear to the left at the end of the lawn – there is a yellow splash on a tree (do not go straight where there is a red splash). Wend your way down through chestnut trees and tall bracken. The path becomes a mule track between two defined walls – on the left there is a large area of cleared land. This leads to a jeep track, which looks new and is not marked on the IGN map (this clears up the mystery as to how the people reach their renovated house at les Caumels).
