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Many people have touched our lives and helped us grow in knowledge and spirit along the way. Some are close friends, others just passed through our lives leaving a significant impression behind.

Some of these people have been specifically helpful to this project, and we wish to thank them here.

We both would like to thank our husbands, Drew Vactor and Gary Peterson. Drew’s business insights and editing help were invaluable in the final stage of the project. His willingness to put off work on his own book allowed us the time we needed to finish ours. Gary’s flexibility makes a writer’s life possible. And his suggestions for the source of the title were, if not plausible, at least a source of much-needed comic relief. Their patience, good humor, and support made it possible for us to complete this book.

We appreciate the support and encouragement we received from Hanshi George Anderson, Shihan Johnny Linebarger, Shihan Patrick Hickey, Shihan Pam Hickey, Sensei Lend McCaster, Sensei Thomas Linebarger, Sr., Sensei Melvin Dilts, and Sensei Judith Robinson.
