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We recall that their names were Maria Capuò Tron, Giovanna Peritti Verdani, Margherita Piccozza Ferini, Alessandro Cipolla and Mosca Scrofagnocca.

While the identity and psychological profile of the killer unfortunately remain unknown, a new elementl emerged yesterday from our research in the archives of the Turin Registry Office. As Police Headquarters were already aware, all the victims as well as Peritti and Scrofagnocca had been warehouse workers for years. Capuò Tron had stopped working after her marriage, which was confirmed by comparisons with her successive identity cards, which show that she is a housewife. Ferini Piccozza, also according to the documents, had left work only several years after her marriage, perhaps because her husband, later a bank executive, was still at the beginning of his career and one salary would not have been enough. Cipolla had left the warehouse job only when he retired.

As for the other two victims, Scrofagnocca was still working at the time of her death, at a warehouse for bathroom fittings, while the widow Verdani, who had been retired for about a year at the time of her death, had left her job as a warehouse worker much earlier when she married a trader and had then worked with him.
