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Although it may only be a suspicion, we would like to ask the investigators some questions:

Having established that all the victims had been warehouse workers, had they worked in the same company at some time in their lives?

Was this company, for all five, the factory making shower doors, which closed down some time ago and where, as Police Headquarters are already aware, the widow Verdani and Scrofagnocca had worked?

If this is the common thread that the killer has followed, could other old co-workers of the victims be in danger? That seems to be a vital question.

With regard to the satanic matrix of crimes hypothesized by Deputy Police Commissioner Pumpo, could the same victims have had anything to do with that environment in any way, in the past? If so, would it be somehow linked to the company in which they worked? And in this case, could the owners not have been aware of it?


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"I read your colleague's piece," Vittorio had said to me, "and I was a little perplexed."
