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Finally, a critical analysis is given of the weakness of the Wing Chun system. The principal weakness of Wing Chun kung-fu lies next to its strengths: it is preoccupied with linear attacks and combat in a straight line as well as with close-range combat. Opponents would be likely to deal with the Wing Chun fighter by using either circular attacks or linear attacks delivered at a longer range, keeping the Wing Chun fighter at bay. Moreover, because of Wing Chun’s preoccupation with both maintaining balance and close-range fighting, there is not enough emphasis placed upon fast footwork, relative to say Thai kick-boxing. The Wing Chun system is in need of enrichment. My proposal for Wing Chun’s enrichment is as follows:

First, long-arm circular attacks, such as those found in White Crane kung-fu (Pak Hok Kuen) and many systems of karate, need to be added.

Second, Wing Chun needs to be practiced as a form of boxing without gloves, incorporating not only all the punches of Western boxing, but also all the kicks, knee attacks, and elbow attacks of Thai kick-boxing (Muay Thai).
