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Third, Wing Chun proponents have never shown much interest in weight training. Contrary to the traditionalists, the author is a proponent of weight training in the martial arts, in particular, power training with heavy weights to maxime one’s strength potential.

This approach to the martial arts is called Sun Tzu Kuen, after the great Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu. It offers the reader an advanced form of Wing Chun that deals with all of the objections critics from other styles have made about the art.

The knowledge contained in this volume will present the Wing Chun student, as well as the interested student of the martial arts in general, with a comprehensive and unified theory of combat.

Sticky-Hand Fighting (chi sao)


Sticky-hand fighting (chi sao) is the foundation of the Wing Chun system. So important is this skill that the merits of a Wing Chun practitioner can be judged by his skill at sticky-hands alone. Yet many students of Wing Chun are confused about the meaning of chi sao; it is seen as no more than a training exercise, like shadow boxing, for developing, in this case, contact reflexes—the ability to spontaneously respond to an attack upon contact of the arms. This is true, but sticky-hands is much more than this—it is a way of fighting.
