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6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The electrical (E, in red) and magnetic (B, in yellow) components...Figure 6.2 The continuous electromagnetic spectrum showing the wavelengths, ...Figure 6.3 Ordinary light vibrates in all directions perpendicular to the di...Figure 6.4 Incident light is reflected (blue arrow) from a surface between t...Figure 6.5 The dispersion of white light into different parts of the visible...Figure 6.6 A standard petrographic microscope with the major components iden...Figure 6.7 The essential steps in thin‐section preparation. (a) A chip with ...Figure 6.8 Plane polarized light photomicrograph of plutonic igneous rock (g...Figure 6.9 Plane polarized light from the polarizer is split into a fast ray...Figure 6.10 A modified version of the Michel–Levy Color Chart for interferen...Figure 6.11 Photomicrograph of a thin‐section of gabbro viewed in cross‐pola...Figure 6.12 Diagram shows the correspondence between extinction positions an...Figure 6.13 Sanidine crystal (clear, low birefringence) showing simple compo...Figure 6.14 Crossed‐polars photomicrograph of microcline crystal that displa...Figure 6.15 Crossed‐polars photomicrograph of diorite (see Figure 6.8 for pl...Figure 6.16 Crossed‐polars photomicrograph of a volcanic rock. Large plagioc...Figure 6.17 Crossed‐polars photomicrograph of a quartz crystal near the exti...Figure 6.18 Crossed‐polars photomicrograph of perthite. Exsolved plagioclase...Figure 6.19 A cross‐section through a typical ellipsoidal indicatrix showing...Figure 6.20 Isotropic indicatrix shows sample ray paths “a” (parallel to Y‐a...Figure 6.21 (a) Prolate uniaxial indicatrix with a vertical long axis (blue)...Figure 6.22 Uniaxial positive indicatrix and three major types of section. (...Figure 6.23 Uniaxial positive indicatrix. The crystal c‐axis is vertical and...Figure 6.24 Uniaxial negative indicatrix. The crystal c‐axis is vertical and...Figure 6.25 Centered optic axis figures for uniaxial minerals display two is...Figure 6.26 Use of the gypsum plate for optic sign determinations of uniaxia...Figure 6.27 Use of the quartz wedge for optic sign determinations in mineral...Figure 6.28 The orientation of the uniaxial indicatrix (epsilon and omega vi...Figure 6.29 The general relationships between the three axes (X, Y, and Z) o...Figure 6.30 Diagram that depicts two circular sections (with refractive inde...Figure 6.31 Depiction of simplified versions of the positive and negative bi...Figure 6.32 An acute bisectrix figure for a biaxial mineral with a moderate ...Figure 6.33 (a) The appearance of a Bxa interference figure for a biaxial (+...Figure 6.34 (a) The appearance of a Bxa interference figure for a biaxial (+...Figure 6.35 Depicts centered optic axis figures in a position of maximum cur...Figure 6.36 Gypsum plate determination of optic sign, using a biaxial center...Figure 6.37 Bxo figure and the orientation of the optic normal and optic pla...