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Bluewater, the sixth largest shopping mall in Europe, is built to a triangular floor plan inside a former cement quarry. It opened in 1999 with 330 stores and 40 restaurants employing 7000 staff. Accessible only by road, it has parking for 13,000 vehicles.

Follow cycle track beside main road then fork L through gate. Pass under road bridge then bear L to cross slip road beside roundabout. Turn R to continue beside main road, ascending to pass junction with A2 dual carriageway then descending into Ebbsfleet valley. Bear L then zigzag down R to cross slip road for Ebbsfleet at staggered light controlled crossing (35.5km, 19m).

Turn L and follow road curving R past roundabout then cross second slip road at more traffic lights and continue on other side of road. Pass second roundabout R and follow slip road beside A2 as it ascends towards next junction. At top of hill turn immediately R across four staggered crossings over dual carriageway B262. Continue parallel with A2, soon bearing L through scrubland past Gravesend Cyclopark R (38.5km, 43m) (refreshments).
