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Gravesend Cyclopark has road and off-road cycle race tracks

Dogleg R and L across entry road to Cyclopark then continue ascending past petrol station L and fork L on cycle track winding through scrubland along route of old motorway. Cross slip road and emerge on main road with car park R. Turn R and immediately cross road at light controlled crossing then follow cycle track bearing L past roundabout to run parallel with motorway. Follow track away from motorway to cross side road and pass Inn on the Lake hotel L. At top of hill, bear L beside Brewers Rd and turn R (Park Pale) just before entrance to Shorne Woods country park L (43.5km, 111m).

Follow Park Pale descending to run beside motorway, then turn L (sp golf club) at first junction and follow road curving R over motorway bridge. Where road bears L under railway, fork R on cycle track and turn back under bridge. Continue beside slip road and follow this over motorway to reach roundabout. Continue beside Watling St on cycle track R, then after first turning R, cross road at reservation. Keep R at fork beside petrol station and continue downhill on tree-lined cycle track L, then pass under railway and follow High St through one-way system in centre of Strood (refreshments, station). Continue under second railway bridge and cross Rochester bridge over river Medway to reach Rochester (50km, 4m) (accommodation, refreshments, youth hostel (in Gillingham), tourist office, cycle shop, station).
