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97 Smith, C.A. and Garrett‐Scott, D. (2021). “We are not named”: Black women and the politics of citation in anthropology. Feminist Anthropology 2 (1): 18–37.

98 Smith-Morris, C., Lopez, G., Ottomanelli, L., Goetz, L., and Dixon-Lawson, K. (2014). Ethnography, fidelity, and the evidence that anthropology adds: Supplementing the fidelity process in a clinical trial of supported employment. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 28 (2): 141–161.

99 Snodgrass, J.G. (2015). Ethnography of online cultures. In: Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology (ed. H.R. Bernard and C.C. Gravlee), 465–496. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

100 Sobo, E.J. (2009). Culture and Meaning in Health Services Research: A Practical Guide. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

101 Spradley, J.P. (1979). The Ethnographic Interview. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

102 Spradley, J.P. (1980). Participant Observation. New York: Holt: Rinehart & Winston.

103 Steinberg, S.J. and Steinberg, S.L. (2006). Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences: Investigating Space and Place. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
