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(5) Turn left on the road (avoid a track up left signed DFCI G-43) and go right on a jeep track signposted DFCI G-41 where there are GR signs, a wooden PR21 post and yellow splashes. Keep on this pleasant track, which soon comes to a fork at an open field where there are lovely views; if you look back you can see two antennae on the tops of the tree-covered hills.

(6) Go right; there are crosses on trees left (55mins). The track undulates along the summit through kermes oak and box bushes (avoid path to left) and for a time there is a steep slope to the right.

(7)Careful – when the track turns a corner go straight on a narrower path where there are GR markings and yellow splashes (1hr 5mins). Walk beside an overgrown orchard and then keep straight past a path on the left with a no entry sign. The path narrows as it goes through woodland and open spaces. It gets rockier in places and at one stage there are extended views on both sides and over the outskirts of Le Vigan down on the right. As the landscape opens out the vegetation changes to heather and stunted bushes such as juniper, this change being caused by a geological fold. Keep on the main path, which starts to go down with a crumbling wall initially on the right – there are glimpses of hamlets through the bushes left.
