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(8) Take the path down right off the ridge (1hr 25mins) where there is a wooden PR21 post and yellow splashes. Here you leave the red/white splashes of the GR60, which continues along the top. The terrain is initially steep and rocky and would be slippery and difficult in wet weather. Crossing some scree, you get your first view of the hamlet of Paillerols, which is perched on a shoulder below. It looks neat and restored with some cultivated terraces. A rivulet appears from nowhere and trickles down the path itself before veering off to the left. Shortly after there is a small building housing a water tank. Continue round the top of a narrow tree-covered ravine and then join another path by a high wall (1hr 40mins).

(9) Go left. (The path straight ahead goes to the hamlet of Paillerols and then down to the road. This is an alternative way back and takes half an hour less: not done by author.)

The path goes along the side of the hill (ignore a fork down right), crossing three rivulets – there are old terraces and walls, remains of cultivation and habitation in the past. It reaches a rocky area where there are open views again and later passes an attractive miniscule pool of water in the rocks.
