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Читать книгу Chi Kung. The Art of Mastering the Unseen Life Force онлайн

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In Ch'i Kung the same Ch'i or life energy that acupuncturists stimulate and control through needles is mastered but to an even higher degree. In fact, acupuncture is merely a short cut in the application of this larger study. In this art even the minutest mechanisms such as oxygen level, blood supply, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, anti-body level can be controlled. Organ function is stimulated and inter-organ blance is achieved to bring about optimum overall health and a sense of overall harmony and well being.

This art still survives today, but few know much more about it than its existence. Fewer yet can be called masters. Lily Siou is such a master. At nine, in Kiangsi Province, China, she became a disciple of the Taoist. Through years of discipleship there, through long continued personal working experience with Ch'i and the related arts of I Ching, palmistry, face reading, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, she has gained an intimate knowledge of this life energy "Ch'i" and of Ch'i Kung Later in Hong Kong she attended the Hong Kong Chinese University and earned degrees in two fields and later a Ph. D. for her work on the I Ching.
