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Dr. Lily Siou, now 26, is the authoress of four books in Chinese and two others to be published in English soon, These two in English include a handbook on acupuncture and the most thorough and definitive work yet on the ancient classic, the I Ching. Dr. Siou, a former dean at the Hong Kong Christian College, left Hong Kong three years ago to test her theories in the western world. In that time too she established a school in the United States to keep alive this important ancient art of Ch'i Kung which is virtually unknown in the West and presently faces extinction in China. Ch'i Kung deserves preservation for its historic and cultural value but more importantly for the benefits that it offers mankind.

Professor Tseng Ke-tuan

Poet Laureate, Dean of Arts and Letters

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Authoress'es Forword

Through the ages, the Chinese have developed many valuable arts and practices. However, through the course of time, some of these arts have been completely or partially lost to the modern world, leaving behind often times, only their Chinese characters and a vague idea of what it was. Ch'i Kung is one example. Ch'i Kung an ancient but profound body and mind discipline embodying much of Chinese philosophy was once a subject of much study in China. Boxers of the Wei Dynasty firmly upheld that systematic breathing control, Ch'i Kung, led to better Kung Fu. Ch'i Kung is believed to be responsible for the brilliant and active development of Chinese martial arts at this time. But today it survives mainly through the practice of a very few. Books on Ch'i Kung are only a handful. The Library of Congress reports that there is no work on Ch'i Kung in English. Even in Chinese there is little on the subject, just bits and pieces of material or very small books on it. In writing about Ch'i Kung, therefore, I am forced to rely largely on my knowledge and understanding about it gained through my years of study with the Taoist monks. I hope that this book as a first seed in the Western world will grow and flourish for the benefit of all. Through it, I hope to show the way to better health and well being through the natural movements of Ch'i Kung and to further the understanding of philosophies of the East and West. Through my School of the Six Chinese Arts, I hope to do the same.
