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 Basic societal respect

 Equal opportunity to compete for the prudential goods of society

 Ability to pursue a life plan according to the Personal Worldview Imperative

 Ability to participate equally as an agent in the Shared Community Worldview Imperative

Level Two: Useful, Medium to Low Medium Embeddedness

 Ability to utilize one’s real and portable property in the manner she chooses

 Ability to gain from and exploit the consequences of one’s labor regardless of starting point

 Ability to pursue goods that are generally owned by most citizens, e.g., in the United States today a telephone, television, and automoble would fit into this class

Level Three: Luxurious, Low Embeddedness

 Ability to pursue goods that are pleasant even though they are far removed from action and from the expectations of most citizens within a given country, e.g., in the United States today a European vacation would fit into this class

Ability to exert one’s will so that she might extract a disproportionate share of society’s resources for her own use.
