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ssss1: Common Unfortunate Responses to IT Problems

Problem Unfortunate response Project delivered on time and budget but missed the mark on functionality CIO implements a detailed requirement process that includes user sign-off before work begins. Project value fails to materialize CFO implements a strict capital approval process. CFO questions cost overruns CIO implements strict time-tracking, so every minute of work is captured and mapped to a project. Security incident CIO locks down systems, email, and files. Requires onerous processes for working remotely. Third-party consultant brought in to analyze IT CIO overreacts and completely restructures. Pressure from board to stay competitive CIO agrees to take on multiple large projects at the same time. Findings on Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)4 audit External consultants are permitted to create oppressive controls. CEO demands more innovation CIO ignores technical debt (e.g. legacy systems) and builds new capabilities on a weak foundation.

During the first week of a new job, we had a planned fire drill. While in the stairwell, I overheard two of my new developers discussing the proper way to record the time spent in the fire drill. When I inquired, it turned out that the team was required to account for every minute of their time. When I asked why, several answers were given: (1) it is necessary for Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX); (2) it's required for accounting; and (3) it's necessary for resource planning. None of these answers are accurate, and all of them are frustrating. There are no SOX rules that say you need to document the time salaried employees spend on a fire drill. There are no accounting rules that say you need to document the time salaried employees spend in a fire drill. Micromanaging time is the surest way to destroy productivity. Yes, you must track the time internal employees spend on capital projects. But time tracking should not be extended to lunch breaks, social activities, and fire drills.
