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15 ssss1 For a discussion of this distinction see: Michael Boylan, Basic Ethics, 2nd edn. (Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson, 2009): 30−32.

16 ssss1 An advocate of this position is Hilary Putnam, Ethics Without Ontology (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004).

17 ssss1 The move to ethical anti-realism is no small matter. Ethical anti-realists believe there are no certain facts about ethics in the world. This means that norms are created by force: kraterism (might makes right). For my argument on this see: Boylan (2014): 196−202.

18 ssss1 “All people must develop a single comprehensive and internally coherent worldview that is good and that we strive to act out in our daily lives,” Boylan (2014): ssss1.

19 ssss1 It is important to distinguish a non-ethical (non-moral) practice from an unethical (immoral) practice. The former does not concern ethics while the latter is judged to be wrong by some theory of ethics.

20 ssss1 I define a micro community as one in which a participant can, in principle, know all the members of that community. Governance in the micro community is via a committee of the whole. A macro community is rather larger and its governance is via elected representatives. See: Boylan (2004): 113−115.
