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27 ssss1 One example of this is the false information about childhood vaccinations. For a discussion of this see: http://www.immunize.org/reports/report038.pdf Accessed 7 June 2019.

28 ssss1 See Julie Kirsch’s take on this: “When Is Ignorance Morally Objectionable?” in The Morality and Global Justice Reader, ed. Michael Boylan (Boulder, CO: Westview, 2011): 51−64.

29 ssss1 This is widely cited but without a clear single reference, see: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/our-own-facts_b_542796, viewed 6 June 2019.

30 ssss1 Some may say that I am naïve on this aspect of the education requirement. The regular eco-community worldview imperative can be satisfied by one’s daily life and interaction with the local eco-system and the larger biome. But this extended eco-community worldview imperative requires more. If, as previously established, roughly half the world has access to the Internet, then there is opportunity. But if one is working 12−14 hours a day just to survive, this may not be a functional reality. Here Kant’s “ought implies can” caveat can fit in with otherwise sincere individuals seeking truth. Sadly, this group is often exploited by demigods who have their own personally enriching scenarios to set forth in the place of dispassionate science.
