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21 ssss1 Of course, if one is in the position to influence the macro community via the media or public lectures, this would be helpful, too. However, this is a position only open to a few. To impose this duty generally upon all would be utopian.

22 ssss1 “Kraterism” I hold to be the philosophy that “might makes right.” Most philosophers disavow this approach. For a famous discussion on this topic, see Plato’s Republic, Book One, 338c−354a.

23 ssss1 Of course, the existence of other species poses other problems. For an example of this sort of analysis see Thomas White, In Defense of Dolphins (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008).

24 ssss1 Boylan, 2014: 176−177.

25 ssss1 According to the Washington Post around 47% of the world’s population has access to the Internet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/22/47-percent-of-the-worlds-population-now-use-the-internet-users-study-says/?utm_term=.1de178a04090 Accessed 2 June 2019.

26 ssss1 For an exposition of this argument see: Michael Boylan, “Worldview and the Value-Duty Link in Environmental Ethics” in Michael Boylan, ed. Environmental Ethics, 3rd edn. (Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014): 95−104.
